Académica de Honor

Doctora en Biología, Universidad de Stanford. Benjamin and Mae Volen National Center.

Fecha de ingreso: 08/06/2016

Discurso de ingreso: Sleep: Insights into human behavior from the study of insects

Discurso de respuesta: Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch

Departamentos / Programas


Stanford University, M.D.

Stanford University, Ph.D.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S.


Biochemistry of synaptic plasticity and neuronal basis of behavior.


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Cursos Impartidos

BCBP 297b Master’s Lab Research II
BIOL 149b Molecular Pharmacology
BIOL 350a Graduate Student Research Seminar
BIOL 350b Graduate Student Research Seminar
NBIO 142b Sleep
NBIO 148b Cellular Mechanisms of Neuronal Excitability and Plasticity
NBIO 250d Neuroscience Proseminar

Premios y honores

Benzer Lecture at CSH Neurobiology of Drosophila meeting (2015)

Nancy Lurie Marks Chair in Neuroscience (2012)

Keynote Speaker, Southeast Nerve Net Conference, St. Augustine, FL (2011)

Invited Speaker, 10th Anniversary Symposium for the Kyoto Drosophila Genetics Resource Center (2010)

Plenary Speaker, Neurofly Meeting, Manchester, England (2010)

Elected member of the Drosophila Board (2008 – 2011)

Meyerof Lecturer, Max-Planck Institute, Heidelberg (2008)

Society for Neuroscience Presidential Lecture (2008)

Scholar in residence, Neural Systems and Behavior, Marine Biological Labs, Woods Hole (2007 – 2006)

McKnight Technological Innovation Award (1999 – 2000)

National Institutes of Health Career Development Award (1996 – 2001)

Whitehall Foundation Grant (1995 – 1997) Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (1994 – 1996)

Klingenstein Research Fellowship (1994 – 1997)