Rosalía Arteaga, former President of Ecuador and honorific academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors Barcelona-1914 (RAED), met yesterday with the president of the corporation, Alfredo Rocafort, and editor and academician Xabier Añoveros, and gave them a copy of his book “La Presidenta. El secuestro de una propuesta” (The President. the kidnapping of a proposal), which recounts his brief and hard experience as head of state after the removal of Abdalá Bucaram. Arteaga could only hold a position for which he harbored the Ecuadorian Constitution for four days due to pressures from Congress and the Armed Forces of his country.

Doctor of Jurisprudence and Anthropology, Arteaga will enter at the RAED during a solemn ceremony to be held on June 8 in Barcelona with Eric Maskin, doctor in Applied Mathematics at Harvard University, Professor of Social Science at Princeton University and Nobel Prize in Economics in 2007; Ernesto Kahan, doctor in Medicine, Albert Schweitzer Peace Prize in 1991, international vice president of Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and Nobel Peace Prize in 1995, and Leslie Griffith, Doctor of Biology, professor at Stanford University and director of Benjamin and Mae Volen National Center.