portada del libro "Gestao No Ensino Superior"

Dr. Lluís Vicent Safont

Dr. Lluís Vicent Safont

Lluís Vicent Safont, corresponding academician for Andorra of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has participated in the drafting of the work “Gestão no ensino superior. Governança internacional”, published in Brazil under the coordination of the Research Group in Educational Management of the La Salle Canoas University with the participation of renowned university managers and higher education centres in various countries. The book, in fact, tries to be a compilation of their experiences from different perspectives and contexts. Vicent Safont is the author of two chapters written together with Paulo Fossatti, rector of the La Salle Canoas University and director of the Association of Catholic Schools of Brazil, and José Antunes de Miranda, international relations advisor at the La Salle Canoas University.

The work addresses different aspects of university management such as participatory management, ethics in management, the opportunity for innovation and its possibilities in Brazil, the social responsibility of the university, internationalization models and the impact of technology on the new university of the 21st century and the university situation in Ecuador and Chile.