Discurso de ingreso del Premio Nobel Christopher PissaridesChristopher Pissarides, Nobel prize in Economics in 2010, believes that artificial intelligence will end up favoring human contact and professions with greater personal interaction, since in the next few decades machines will only perform manual mechanical work, but many services that today provide people. “Machines are replacing the human brain for the first time in history after replacing the workforce. But that won’t mean that we don’t need the rest of the people anymore, just the opposite: these changes will favor human contact and the professions which are associated with it”.

Acto de ingreso de los Premios Nobel: Christopher Pissarides, Erwin Neher y Jerome FriedmanThis was the main conclusion of his speech as admission as honorary academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), which was held during the European Congress of Interdisciplinary Research that the Royal Academy carried out these days in various cities of the Baltic. Pissarides has read the paper “Robots, Artificial Intelligence and the future of work”. The answer was given to full academician of the RAED José Ramón Calvo on behalf of the also academician and treasurer of the RAED Jordi Martí.